Workers For Mexico
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2
Workers For Mexico-Clinton Looney Mission
Short Term Fact Sheet
Work Teams are Welcome and go a long way in helping to accomplish our goals in Mexico. Most teams are involved in some type of construction work during the trip, but can also be used in our children's work and helping in special church programs. Short-term teams provide a great blessing to the work in Mexico and will benefit the team members and congregation through increased awareness of mission work and other cultures. Mexicans speak Spanish and it is helpful to have a few folks with some knowledge of the language. All ages can be a part of the team, but we recommend that youth be at least 14 years of age. You will need some skilled laborers to lead and supervise the construction. Most months of the year are open for work teams, but the summer period from mid-June to mid-September is extremely hot and humid. You can contact the office for more information.
Current Construction Needs
Complete new sanctuary at Villa Matamoros
.Repairs Rio Bravo
Progresso Colony, Nuevo Laredo, New expanded Sanctuary
Expansion of Building, 2nd de Abril, Monclova
Repairs and Remodeling, Paraiso, Matamoros
Restroom Building, Reynosa
Parsonage repair,, Reynosa
Classroom Completion, Guadalajara
Recreation Area, Sombrerete Camp
New Church Building Saltillo
Additions to building at Guadaluupe, Monterrey and B. Juarez
New Building expansion, Apodaca
Expansion at Mision 20 Nuevo Laredo.
New Sanctuary expansion at 21 de marzo colonia, Monclova
Lot and parsonage at Veracruz